TTC Trust Technology Corporation

For Sale Equipment: Testing

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TTC ID Manufacturer Model Description Vintage QTY Product
* 5OTHadi-asm-G10182 Adixen ASM GRAPH D+ OTH:Leak Detector inq 2
* 5OTHama-vsb-G10183 AMAT(Varian) VSBD302 OTH:Leak Detector inq 1
* 5OTHanr-mg5-L0467 Anritsu MG545A Other: Synthesizer Inq. 1
* 5OTHas -hs--N0249 AS ONE HS-50D Other: Magnetic Stirrer Inq. 1
* 5OTHasi-scs-L11105 ASIC SHANGHAI SCSS-EL02 Plus OTH:EL Tester inq. 1
* 5OTHasm-asm-F12354 ASM ASM Calibration kit other: Tester Calibration Kit Inq. 1
* 5OTHayu-es--L0876 Ayumi ES-30DL Other: Vacuum Sealer Inq. 1
* 5OTHb&w-bwr-Q9958 B&W TEK inc + Sigma BWR-20E/55869 OTH:1064 nm laser inq 1
* 5OTHbro-lvd-Q8666 Brookfield LVDV-2+PRO-CP other: Viscometer 2005 1
* 5OTHbsc-sh4-Q7536 BSC Filters SH4457 oth: High pass filter 2007 1
* 5OTHbsc-sh4-Q7537 BSC Filters SH4458 oth: High pass filter 2007 1
* 5OTHbsc-xn4-Q7543 BSC Filters XN4455 oth: Notch filter 2007 1
* 5OTHbsc-xn4-Q7544 BSC Filters XN4456 oth: Notch filter 2007 1
* 5OTHcan-850-Q7353 Canon 850670H-0312 Other: LABVIEWUPGRADE 2000 1
* 5OTHcat-adv-Q7420 CATC Advisor Oth: USB 2.0 Bus & Protocol Analyzer Inq. 1
* 5OTHcbc-vm--Q8667 CBC VM-10A-M other: Viscometer Inq. 1
* 5OTHcho-uj--Q6509 Cho-onpa UJ-246-1C other: Wire pulltester 1991 1
* 5OTHchr-ja--A10535 ChromTech JA-5103N OTH:Electronic Balance 1997 1
* 5OTHcom-32m-Q7386 COMPUTEX 32M41 Oth: In-circuit debugger Inq. 1
* 5OTHdag-240-C11018 DAGE 2400A OTH:WIRE PULL TEST MACHINE 2006 1
* 5OTHdag-300-M11701 DAGE 3000 oth: Wire pull Tester Inq. 1
* 5OTHdag-bt--S4576 DAGE BT-24 Other: Bond Tester 1994 1
* 5OTHdat-alp-A1714 Data Systems ALP-7012LA Other: LD DRIVER Inq. 1
* 5OTHdit-rdf-K6336 Ditect RDF-D3 Other: Hi-speed camera 2010 1
* 5OTHesp-tsa-E11289 ESPEC TSA-71H-W OTH:Thermal Shock Testing 2008 1
* 5OTHesp-tsa-E11290 ESPEC TSA-201S-W OTH:Thermal Shock Testing 2006 1
* 5OTHesp-tsa-E7102 Espec TSA-71H-W other: Thermal shock tester 2001 1
* 5OTHesp-tsa-L12812 ESPEC TSA-70L-A other: Thermal Shock Chamber Inq. 1
* 5OTHesp-tsb-C0537 ESPEC TSB-2 Other: Thermal Shock Chamber 1999 1
* 5OTHeta-nt2-R5462 ETAC NT2031W Other: Temperature Cycle Chamber Inq. 1
* 5OTHeve-kf--P0849 Everfine KF-2 Other: Switching Transistor Selector Inq. 1
* 5OTHeve-kf--P0850 Everfine KF-2 Other: Switching Transistor Selector Inq. 1
* 5OTHftd-0.8-F12338 FTD 0.8*0.8 TR test socket and socket board other: PCB Components and Test Station Socket Inq. 1
* 5OTHfuj-ape-Q9489 fujita APE-PWIGBT OTH:Bias tester 2010 1
* 5OTHfuj-fth-Q7342 Fujita FTH-100 other: Tharmalfet tester 2000 1
* 5OTHfuk-msx-L0414 FUKUDA MSX-5086 Other: Leak Detector Inq. 1
* 5OTHgia-inq-A0929 Giant Force Instrument Enterprise Inq. Other: High / low temperature test equipment 2012 1
* 5OTHhac-210-K9970 HACH 2100P OTH:Turbidimeter inq 1
* 5OTHhay-laa-K6048 Hayashi-Repic LAA-150UE other: Light Source Inq. 1
* 5OTHhay-lum-K6047 Hayashi-Repic Luminar Ace other: Light Source Inq. 1
* 5OTHhil-cht-V3936 HILA CHT-6A Other: Thermometer Inq. 1
* 5OTHhio-312-Q7401 Hioki 3127 Other: Clamp on tester Inq. 1
* 5OTHhio-315-Q10400 HIOKI 3158 OTH:Voltage HiTester 2007/2010/2013/2015 5
* 5OTHhio-380-Q7501 Hioki 3805 other: High Tester 2005 1
* 5OTHhio-lr8-Q9687 HIOKI LR8431 OTH:Memory High Logger inq. 1
* 5OTHhir-pc--Q6508 Hirayama PC-204RV other: Pressurecooker 1990 1
* 5OTHhit-ec--Q9488 Hitachi EC-45MHPS OTH:temperature and humidity Testing Chamber 2010 1
* 5OTHhit-es--Q6481 Hitachi ES-76LH other: Thermal shock tester 2007 1
* 5OTHhit-i-2-P4814 Hitachi I-20 MI-SCOPE-120 Other: Ultrasonic scan analyzer Inq. 1
* 5OTHhit-mi--E9405 Hitachi Power Solutions mi-scopeMI-25 OTH:Ultrasonic imaging equipment 1997 1
* 5OTHhum-a-q-L0875 Humo A-QB-210 Other: Blank Frequency Sorter 2004 1
* 5OTHima-svf-E11059 IMADA SVF-500NA-SL OTH:Tensile and Compression Testing 2004 1
* 5OTHinq-el1-L11107 inq. EL140 OTH:EL Tester inq. 1
* 5OTHinq-inq-A0924 Inq. Inq. Other: RPT 2013 1
* 5OTHinq-inq-A0930 Inq. Inq. Other: Cleaning device 2010 1
* 5OTHinq-inq-A0931 Inq. Inq. Other: Storage facility 2013 1
5OTHinq-inq-K6044 Inq. Inq. other: Depth Gauge Inq. 1
5OTHinq-inq-S0970 Inq. Inq. Other: Performance Board 1991 1
* 5OTHinq-jtx-A0922 Inq. JTXBJ-075 Other: Inq. 2010 1
* 5OTHinq-lta-Q0155 Inq. LTA-330A Other: Wafer Lifetime Measuring/5in. Inq. 1
* 5OTHirv-950-Q12986 Irvine Optical Corp 9500 other: flatness tester Inq. 1
* 5OTHiso-ven-L0447 Isothermal VENUS 125B Other: Thermometer Calibrator Inq. 1
* 5OTHite-ap--Q9490 iTEC AP-20-3S-OP/AP-20-3S-BT OTH:OP tester 2004 2
* 5OTHjad-lpw-V3938 JADEVER LPWN-1530 Other: Elec. Balance For Analysis Inq. 1
* 5OTHjtk-jtk-F12329 JTK JTK-DIG32 other: Leakage tester 2015 1
* 5OTHjtk-jtk-F12330 JTK JTK-DIG32 other: Leakage tester 2016 1
* 5OTHjtk-jtk-F12331 JTK JTK-DIG32 other: Leakage tester 2017 1
* 5OTHjtk-jtk-F12332 JTK JTK-DIG32 other: Leakage tester 2017 1
* 5OTHjtk-jtk-F12333 JTK JTK-DIG32 other: Leakage tester 2018 1
* 5OTHjtk-jtk-F12334 JTK JTK-DIG32 other: Leakage tester 2016 1
* 5OTHjtk-jtk-F12335 JTK JTK-DIG32 other: Leakage tester 2016 1
* 5OTHkan-is--H12931 Kanematsu KGK IS-9800CTP other: AVI Inq. 7
* 5OTHkey-lc--E10774 Keyence LC-2101 OTH:laser displacement meter inq 1
* 5OTHkey-lc--E10775 Keyence LC-2210 OTH:laser displacement meter inq 1
* 5OTHkoh-k2--Q10897 Kohzu K2-200 OTH:Flatness measuring inq. 1
* 5OTHkok-cx1-K11685 Kokusai electric CX1204 oth: Exhaust Controller 1994 1
* 5OTHkur-mic-Q8282 Kurashiki kako MICRO-g Other: surface plate 1991 1
* 5OTHly--inq-L0570 LY-MI Inq. Other: Blank Sorter 2007 1
* 5OTHly--inq-L0571 LY-MI Inq. Other: Blank Sorter 2008 1
* 5OTHmat-mmt-C0909 Matsuzawa MMT-X7A Other: Hardness Tester Inq. 1
* 5OTHmau-181-Q7505 MAURY MICROWAVE 1819B Oth: Stub tuner 2005 1
* 5OTHmau-804-Q7395 MAURY MICROWAVE 8045C Oth: Slide screw tuner Inq. 2
* 5OTHmei-ms--W0981 MEISHO MS-9000GTIR Other: BGA Rework Station 2011 1
* 5OTHmic-inq-E7100 Michinokumachinery Inq. Other: strength tester 2008 1
* 5OTHmic-mmd-Q7524 Micronix MMD850 oth: Microwave detector 2005 1
* 5OTHmic-mt3-Q10038 Microtrac MT3100II/SDC OTH:Particle size distribution analyzer 2016 1
* 5OTHmin-zhl-Q7399 MINI-CIRCUITS ZHL-4240 Oth: High frequency amplifier Inq. 1
* 5OTHmis-msn-Q10787 MISUMI MSND2.3-30 OTH:Temperature Sensor inq 1
* 5OTHmis-msn-Q10790 MISUMI MSND2.3-30 OTH:Temperature Sensor inq 1
* 5OTHmit-cd--E10777 Mitutoyo CD-45C OTH:vernier calipers inq 1
* 5OTHmit-id--R0172 MITUTOYO ID-C112C Other: Digimatic Indicator Inq. 1
5OTHmit-inq-L0497 Mitutoyo Inq. Other: Cage Block Inq. 1
* 5OTHmit-pj3-L0878 Mitutoyo PJ300 302-926 Other: Projector Inq. 1
* 5OTHmt/-inq-Q7356 MT/Hitachi-hitech Inq. Other: EEPROM meas. board 2010 1
* 5OTHmul-bga-F12361 Multitest BGA1.6*1.6 test kit Other: Kit Inq. 1
* 5OTHmul-tes-F12347 Multitest TEST KIT for 0.8*0.8 Other: Kit Inq. 1
* 5OTHmur-hm--Q9884 Murakamishikisaigijutsu HM-150 OTH:haze meter inq 2
* 5OTHnar-375-Q7500 NARDA 3752 Oth: PHASE SHIFTER 2005 1
* 5OTHnf-165-Q7499 NF 1650 Oth: Pattarn synthesizer 1994 1
* 5OTHnf-ck1-Q7382 NF CK1620 Oth: Clock synthesizer Inq. 2
* 5OTHnf-ck1-Q7424 NF CK1615 Oth: Clock synthesizer Inq. 2
* 5OTHnf-es2-Q7393 NF ES2000B Oth: Power environment simulator Inq. 1
* 5OTHnf-es2-Q7394 NF ES2000S Oth: Power environment simulator Inq. 1
* 5OTHnih-rw--L0471 Nihon Koshuha RW-1000E Other: High-freq. Induction Heating Inq. 2
* 5OTHnik-6d-L0779 Nikon 6D Other: Autocollimator Inq. 2
* 5OTHnik-v-1-K10431 Nikon V-12 OTH:projector 1985 1
* 5OTHnik-v-1-N8278 Nikon V-128 other: Profile projector Inq. 1
* 5OTHnik-v-1-T0982 Nikon V-12 Other: Projector 1987 1
* 5OTHnor-dag-F10933 Nordson DAGE4000 OTH:BOND TESTER inq. 2
* 5OTHnsk-hm--P6424 NSK HM-90 other: Micron Depth Tester Inq. 1
* 5OTHoga-grt-Q9442 Ogasawara Precision GRT-04 OTH:Gear Meshing Tester inq. 1
* 5OTHoha-ex2-Q8488 OHAUS EX2202G oth: Electronic scale Inq. 2
* 5OTHors-aos-Q10044 ORSA AOS303-445-30 OTH:Single-mode fiber blue light source 2016 1
* 5OTHors-hpb-Q10045 ORSA HPB455-3 OTH:Multimode Fiber Blue Light Source 2016 1
* 5OTHots-qe2-Q10039 Otsuka QE2100 OTH:Quantum Effect Measurement System 2016 1
* 5OTHots-ret-N8279 Otsuka RETS-1100ML other: GAP measuring machine Inq. 1
* 5OTHoyo-ait-E10059 OYO AITOS OTH:Light Source inq 3
* 5OTHoyo-aw1-E10078 OYO AW1050 OTH:light source inq 1
* 5OTHoyo-aw1-K6195 OYO AW1050 other: Light Source Inq. 1
* 5OTHpan-pan-B8176 Panasonic Panadac944A-210 Other: Coplanarity check system Inq. 1
* 5OTHpea-ac--L0778 Pearl AC-140F Other: Autocollimator Inq. 1
* 5OTHpei-el--L11110 Peide EL-1.4MD-AS OTH:EL Tester inq. 1
* 5OTHpfe-hlt-A13207 Pfeiffer Vacuum HLT570 other: Helium Leak Detector 2008 1
* 5OTHphi-ir3-A0581 Philips IR3100 Other: Wafer Infrared Depth Measuring Instrument/12in. Inq. 2
* 5OTHpro-inq-Q7365 Production Technology Center Kyushu Inq. Other: Substrate strength tester 2008 1
* 5OTHpro-mtg-Q9540 PROTEC MTG-08A OTH:Metal mask tension gauge inq. 1
* 5OTHqui-820-L11111 Quicksun 820A OTH:Power Simulation Test inq. 1
* 5OTHr&k-aa1-P1311 R&K AA160-RS Other: RF Power Amplifier Inq. 16
* 5OTHrhe-ptr-E9815 RHESCA PTR-10 OTH:Bond tester 1996 1
* 5OTHrhe-ptr-L12805 Rhesca PTR-1000 Other: Bonding tester Inq. 1
* 5OTHrhe-ptr-Q12072 Rhesca PTR-1000 oth: Bonding tester 2001 1
* 5OTHrob-ro--E5006 ROBERT RO-27 Other: Aging machine 2001 3
* 5OTHroh-inq-Q7398 Rohde & Schwarz Inq. Oth: Radio tester Inq. 1
* 5OTHsan-abs-L0874 Sanseidenshi ABS-28GF Other: Blank Frequency Sorter Inq. 1
* 5OTHsan-at--L0872 Sanseidenshi AT-24AS Other: Frequency Sorter Inq. 1
* 5OTHsan-at--L0873 Sanseidenshi AT-24AS Other: Frequency Sorter Inq. 1
* 5OTHsan-inq-R0340 SANWA Inq. Other: TDDB Probe Station 1996 1
* 5OTHsan-sc--Q10742 SANYU SC-701C Other: Carbon Coater Inq. 1
* 5OTHsan-sdc-L0416 Sansei SDC-1040 Other: Digital comparator Inq. 5
* 5OTHsan-ss--L0477 Sansei SS-868E Other: Universal Crossing Counter Inq. 3
* 5OTHsar-cp2-K9969 Sartorius CP224S OTH:electronic balance inq 1
* 5OTHsem-faa-Q12788 Semiconductor Diagnostics Inc FAaST 230-SPV other: SPV measuring 2008 1
* 5OTHsem-wt--R0338 SEMILAB WT-85 Other: Life time measuring Inq. 1
* 5OTHshi-auy-Q12823 SHIMADZU AUY200 other: Analytical Balance Inq. 1
* 5OTHshi-ehf-E7281 Shimazu EHF-FB10KN-10LA Other: Servo Parsa 2000 1
* 5OTHshi-ez -Q12999 Shimadzu EZ Graph other: Compact tabletop tester Inq. 1
* 5OTHshi-mse-K1419 Shimadzu MSE-4000 Other: Leak Detector/He 1998 1
* 5OTHshi-mst-A5427 SHIMADZU MST-I other: Micro Autograph Inq. 1
* 5OTHshi-smx-Q10756 SHIMADZU SMX-1000 Other: X-Ray system Inq. 1
* 5OTHshi-uv2-E10780 SHINDAIGO UV225 OTH:vacuum packaging machine inq 1
* 5OTHsig-inq-Q10043 SIGMA KOKI inq OTH:Auto-rotating stages and controllers 2021 1
* 5OTHsig-sgs-Q9959 Sigma Koki SGSP20-20+SHOT202 OTH:Autostage+ stage controller inq 3
* 5OTHson-inq-Q7531 SONY Inq. oth: DD digital photo camera 1994 1
* 5OTHta -dsc-V3566 TA Instruments DSC-Q20 Other: Differential Scanning Calorimeter Inq. 1
* 5OTHta -dsc-V3567 TA Instruments DSC-Q10 Other: Differential Scanning Calorimeter Inq. 1
* 5OTHtak-svi-Q13312 Takaoka Toko SVI-6000 other: 3D Inspection System 2008 1
* 5OTHtak-tr4-L0437 Takeda TR4120 Other: Tracking Scope Inq. 1
* 5OTHtdk-gen-W0890 TDK GEN8-400-D Other: Programmable Power Supplies/DC Inq. 2
* 5OTHtek-er8-R3955 Teknologue ER8940A Other: Tester Inq. 1
* 5OTHtek-stc-Q7352 Tektronix STC399X-99158-7 Other: GPIB controller 2000 1
* 5OTHtop-20--V3945 TOP 20-A Other: Thermometer Inq. 3
* 5OTHtro-fm2-A10317 Tropel FM200 OTH:Flatness measuring inq 1
* 5OTHtsk-em--Q5883 TSK EM-21 other: Tester 2000 1
* 5OTHtt -dpv-M13296 TT VISION DPVS-2000 other: Inspection Inq. 3
* 5OTHulv-gi--L0492 ULVAC GI-PRAY Other: Vacuum Meter Inq. 1
* 5OTHxyz-con-P10206 XYZTEC CONDOR 70 OTH:Wire pull Tester inq 1
* 5OTHxyz-con-P10207 XYZTEC CONDOR 100 OTH:Wire pull Tester inq 1
* 5OTHyok-417-Q7407 Yokogawa 4177-100-11 Oth: μR100 RBI recorder Inq. 1
* 5OTHyok-ax2-Q7421 Yokogawa AX220 Oth: SD card protocol analyzer Inq. 1
* 5OTHyok-cm5-P2084 Yokogawa CM500 Other: Gas monitor Inq. 1
* 5OTHysc-htc-V3925 YSC HTC-2 Other: Thermometer Inq. 4
* 5OTHz.c-tc--G12092 Z.C. AUTO TC-485 other: Ceramic disc appearance inspection Inq. 1
* 5OTHzyv-kz1-P2733 Zyves KZ100 Other: NANO probe Inq. 1